A Teacher's Guide to Mentor Texts, 6-12
Using mentor texts from a range of high-interest sources and diverse authors can be a real game changer in secondary writing classrooms. Students learn to read like writers, deepening their understanding of quality writing and inspiring them in...
A Teacher's Guide to Mentor Texts, K-5
In this step-by-step guide, Carl Anderson shows you how to put teaching with mentor texts at the center of the way you teach writing in your elementary classroom. You’ll learn how to find just-right mentor texts for your students, analyze them for...
A Teacher's Guide to Reading Conferences (K-8)
Free shipping when you checkout online. Use promo code LEARN In A Teacher’s Guide to Reading Conferences, Jennifer Serravallo shares the essentials of an essential practice for responsive instruction. Read our sample chapter for an overview of the...
A Teacher's Guide to the Multigenre Research Project: Everything You Need to Get Started
Have you heard? The multigenre research project is growing in popularity with both students and teachers. That's because it's such a powerful way to engage students in reading, writing, and critical analysis across the curriculum. Despite all this, you...
A Teacher's Guide to Vocabulary Development Across the Day (K-3)
You probably know that having young children memorize new words or relegating vocabulary instruction to one time of day is not the way to go, but you may not know what else to do to support students’ vocabulary development. In this guide, Tanya...
A Teacher's Guide to Writing Conferences (K-8)
Free shipping when you checkout online. Use promo code LEARN In A Teacher’s Guide to Writing Conferences, Carl Anderson explains the underlying principles and reasons for conferring with students, and how to make writing conferences a part of your...
A Teacher's Guide to Writing Workshop Essentials (K-5)
Free shipping when you checkout online. Use promo code LEARN *How can I get started with writing workshop, or refine my workshop? *What are the essential elements of a writing workshop? *How can I create daily structures and routines that support...
A Teacher's Guide to Writing Workshop Minilessons (K-8)
In writing workshop, the minilesson allows teachers to connect a lesson—often one that is mandated by a set of standards, a district curriculum, or a grade-level unit plan—to the specific objectives you have, as well as to the cultural...
About Teaching Mathematics, Fourth Edition
"About Teaching Mathematics is the most important resource in my teaching library."In the fourth edition of her signature resource, Marilyn Burns presents her current thinking and insights and includes ideas from her most recent teaching experiences...