50 Strategies Series
Find new ideas and inspiration with the 50 Strategies series! These popular books inspire teachers with short, practical classroom strategies that include differentiation ideas for different grade bands in K-12. Written by experts, each book shares...
Academic Language for English Language Learners and Struggling Readers
Many middle school and high school students are recent immigrants or long-term English language learners who struggle with the academic language needed to read content-area textbooks and write papers for their classes. Likewise, many native speakers of...
Access for Success: Making Inclusion Work for Language Learners
Access for Success: Making Inclusion Work for Language Learners is the first educational text of its kind to integrate principles and theories about Universal Design for Learning and language learning with practical strategies to address the diverse...
Balanced Literacy for English Language Learners, K-2
If your classroom has English Language Learners (ELLs), and whose doesn’t, you’ve probably wondered whether the literacy methods you’ve used successfully with English speakers can work for nonnative speakers. Yes, they do, and in...
Beneath the Surface: The Hidden Realities of Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Young Learners, K-6
You have culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students in your classroom. Some or all are underachieving. You’re told you should teach differently, test more. You should make a stubborn achievement gap go away. But you just can’t...
Change My Life Forever: Giving Voice to English-Language Learners
As a public school staff developer in New York's Chinatown, Maureen Barbieri realized that the 1400 students in her new middle school had stories to tell, questions to ask, and opinions to share. Their challenge was adapting to a new home and a new...
Closing the Achievement Gap : How to Reach Limited-Formal-Schooling and Long-Term English Learners
Struggling older English learners pose a real challenge for educators. Some of these students are new arrivals with limited or interrupted schooling. Others have been in and out of ESL and bilingual programs in this country since kindergarten, but have...
Comprehension and English Language Learners
The 25 oral reading strategies in Comprehension and English Language Learners support students with differing levels of English proficiency during regular reading instruction—from beginners to those completely comfortable with their new language...
Dual Language Education: Program Design and Implementation
As our global economy increasingly demands a highly educated, bilingual and biliterate workforce, educators feel more compelled than ever to offer culturally and linguistically responsive education that speaks to these demands as well as the diversity of...
Dual Language Essentials for Teachers & Administrators, 2/E
Dual Language Essentials for Teachers and Administrators has been widely used as a guide for planning and implementing dual language programs. The Second Edition provides the latest theory, research, and best practices by drawing on the...