Access for Success: Making Inclusion Work for Language Learners
Access for Success: Making Inclusion Work for Language Learners is the first educational text of its kind to integrate principles and theories about Universal Design for Learning and language learning with practical strategies to address the diverse...
Effective Literacy Practices in FSL: Making Connections
Part of the Pearson Professional e-Book Series, this resource advances the teaching and learning of French. By deepening and broadening teachers' understanding of effective literacy practices, this resource supports learning for all. Five Big Ideas help...
Effective Literacy Practices in FSL: Making Connections - PD book
This is a professional resource that: Explores connections between current research, theory and classroom practice in FSL Facilitates the explicit teaching of literacy skills and comprehension strategies in listening, viewing and reading Includes...
Languages for All
FSL Professional Development Resource Engage, Inspire, Connect, Challenge. With Languages For All, Pearson Canada once again breaks new ground by providing second language teachers with the philosophy, the inspiration, and practical guidance on how to...
Soutenir les lecteurs en langue seconde
Cet ouvrage de référence s’adresse aux enseignants de français langue seconde qui cherchent des façons de soutenir les lecteurs en langues secondes afin de les aider à devenir des lecteurs compétents et...
Soutenir les lecteurs en langue seconde: enseignement et interventions en lecture
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