Academic Language for English Language Learners and Struggling Readers
Many middle school and high school students are recent immigrants or long-term English language learners who struggle with the academic language needed to read content-area textbooks and write papers for their classes. Likewise, many native speakers of...
Acces au succes
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Access for Success
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Access for Success: Making Inclusion Work for Language Learners
Access for Success: Making Inclusion Work for Language Learners is the first educational text of its kind to integrate principles and theories about Universal Design for Learning and language learning with practical strategies to address the diverse...
Accessible Assessment
How 9 Sensible Techniques Can Power Data-Driven Reading Instruction Count on the assessment that only counts what really counts "With these nine sensible, essential assessments, teachers can gather all the data they need. We share these assessments and...
Accessible Mathematics
10 Instructional Shifts That Raise Student Achievement Raising students’ math achievement doesn’t mean ripping up your planning book and starting over. In Accessible Mathematics Steven Leinwand (author of Sensible Mathematics) shows how small...
ACCESSing School: Teaching Struggling Readers to Achieve Academic and Personal Success
How can we make the tools and habits of academic literacy available to every student? Jim Burke answered this question by creating ACCESS, a program for struggling students he began five years ago at Burlingame High School—a program where seventy...
Active Assessment for Active Science: A Guide for Elementary School Teachers
Although there are several new books about alternate, authentic, or performance-based assessment, few focus on science assessment and provide practical information on developing, interpreting, and scoring these new alternatives to traditional tests. In...