Balanced Literacy for English Language Learners, K-2
If your classroom has English Language Learners (ELLs), and whose doesn’t, you’ve probably wondered whether the literacy methods you’ve used successfully with English speakers can work for nonnative speakers. Yes, they do, and in...
Becoming a Successful Urban Teacher
What every urban teacher should know could take years of experience and plenty of mistakes, discouragement, and frustrations along the way. Or it could simply mean learning from other teachers who have been there, done that, and succeeded. Veteran...
Becoming Literate Update
From her lifelong study of children’s development and learning, Marie Clay traces children’s paths of progress in literacy learning. Acclaimed a classic since its first publication, Becoming Literate: The Construction of Inner...
Becoming Political, Too: New Readings and Writings on the Politics of Literacy Education
Unless, like Rip Van Winkle, you have been asleep for the last decade, you are aware that literacy education is political." So wrote Patrick Shannon more than a decade ago in the introduction of Becoming Political. At that time, Shannon was worried...
Being Good : Rethinking Classroom Management and Student Discipline
There's a certain irony that adults are clamoring for character education in our classrooms when they themselves bear responsibility for actions ranging from war, pollution, and racist speech to failing to use their turn signal. The increasing emphasis...
Being the Change: Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension
Topics such as race, gender, politics, religion, and sexuality are part of our students’ lives, yet when these subjects are brought up at school teachers often struggle with how to respond. How do we create learning...
Being the Change: Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension.
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