Between the Commas: Sentence Instruction That Builds Confident Writers (and Writing Teachers)
For too long, sentence instruction has been heavy on correctness and terminology (as in “mind your grammar”) and light on play and experimentation. Or it has been abandoned altogether. In this lively book, Marty Brandt sets out to change all...
Grammar for College Writing: A Sentence-Composing Approach
Across America, in thousands of classrooms, from elementary school to high school, the time-tested sentence-composing approach has given students tools to become better writers. Now the Killgallons present a much anticipated sentence-composing grammar...
It Makes Sense: Using Number Paths and Number Lines to Build Number Sense
Strengthen teaching and deepen learning of number skills and concepts From “Mystery Number” to “Hot Lava Bridge,” the forty classroom-tested lessons in It Makes Sense: Using Number Paths and Number Lines to Build Number...
Joyful Writing in PreK: Create. Imagine. Learn.
Joyful Writing in PreK contains 125 lessons (100 writing minilessons + 25 interactive writing lessons) that spark creativity, imagination, and learning. Writing minilessons are brief, focused, explicit lessons that help children understand and...
Teaching Writing in Small Groups
Find out how just a few minutes of purposeful, responsive teaching can have a big impact with your students. Jennifer Serravallo’s Teaching Writing in Small Groups details essential practices for optimizing groups that help you: value...
...And with a Light Touch : Learning About Reading, Writing, and Teaching with First Graders
With its first edition, this book was immediately praised for its authentic portrayal of classroom life and learning. "It's my bible for teaching young children" and "It reads like a novel," said veteran and pre-service teachers alike...
100-Word Stories: A Short Form for Expansive Stories
What can 100-word stories help your students understand about writing? The short answer is, everything! This flash-fiction form has become a popular structure for efficiently teaching a wide variety of literary devices, terms, and processes in a targeted...
13 Steps to Teacher Empowerment
Experts talk about teacher empowerment, but this is the first book with direct, easy-to-take steps for teacher self-empowerment. Drawn from research, the experiences of practicing teachers, and the prinicipals of community organizing, thier 13 Steps to...
180 DAYS: Two Teachers & the Quest to Engage & Empower Adolescents
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