The Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention System (LLI) is a small-group, supplementary intervention system designed for children who find reading and writing difficult. LLI is designed to bring children quickly up to grade-level competency—in 14 to 18 weeks on average.
LLI serves those students who need intensive support to achieve grade-level competency. These children are the lowest achieving children in the classroom who are not receiving another supplementary intervention. Each lesson in the LLI system also provides specific suggestions for supporting English language learners who are selected for the program.
Three systems are available for LLI. Each supports instruction at different levels on the Fountas & Pinnell A–Z Text Level Gradient:
- Orange System, 2nd ed (Kindergarten): 110 titles leveled A through E
- Green System, 2nd ed (Grade 1): 130 titles leveled A through K
- Blue System 2nd ed (Grade 2): 120 titles leveled C through N
- Red System (Grade 3): 144 titles leveled L through Q
- Gold System (Grade 4):144 titles leveled O through T
- Purple System (Grade 5): 144 titles leveled R through W
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